the Japanese Tea Ceremony Terms

Chado - the " way of tea "
chakin - linen tea cloth used for wiping the tea bowl
chanoyu - "hot water" tea
chasen - tea whisk
chashitsu - the teahouse or room designated for tea ceremony
chashaku - tea scoop
chawan - tea bowl
chumon - middle gate
futaoki - bamboo rest for kettle lid
hanto - host's assistant
hashiarai - rinsing the chopsticks something to cleanse the taste buds clear soup, a simple clear broth served in covered lacquer bowls
hassun - wooden tray
higashi - dry sweets
hishaku - bamboo water ladle
kaiseki - the formal meal accompanying the tea ceremony
kakemono - scroll placed in tokonoma
kama - kettle
kensui - waste water bowl
koicha - thick tea
kohnomono - fragrant pickles
koshikake machiai - waiting bench
kosuimono - same as hashiarai
machiai - waiting room
matcha - ground tea for the tea ceremony (powdered tea)
natsume - container for thin tea powder
roji - dewy path, path to the tearoom in tea garden
sayu - hot water
Shigaraki pottery - stoneware from shigaraki (town name in Shiga prefecture)
teishu - the host
tokonoma - an alcove in the tearoom
tsukubai - stone basin
usucha - thin tea